I would like to thank all of the design professionals, architects, contractors and property owners who we have come to know, and who have shared their knowledge and experience with us and have integrated our people and our products into their own projects. I place great value on our people and what we have built together; their skills and attention to detail are showcased on this site which reflect the same planning, development and construction expertise that we will always invest in your projects.
-Ron Shaw
“We have always appreciated Shaw & Sons alignment and partnership with Clark Construction as you are one of the very few organizations that has the ability and years of experience that we require, appreciate, and count on for projects. The systems your company has developed in the many Craftsmen Specification products has made a huge difference to the design of our projects and our clients and owners truly appreciate the added value those products bring to their project. As a general contractor, what we value most is that your Specifications are the complete package and leave nothing to chance and THAT is what we consistently count on when Shaw & Sons is on site.”
-James Mclamb, Clark Construction
“We have enjoyed working with Shaw & Sons for over thirty years on many or our premiere office projects with state-of-the-art concrete finishes and refined detailing that combine beautifully with the Irvine Company’s timeless architecture. Shaw’s innovative approach to design and construction and their quest for perfection aligns with our design and construction goals and in my opinion, is unmatched in the industry. They always exceed our expectations and are relentless in their pursuit of new materials and methodologies to achieve the highest quality product possible. And best of all are the great people that work at Shaw & Sons with their professionalism and dedication to their work which is an inspiration and testament to their craft.”
-Mike Major, Irvine Company
“With over 4 acres of open space in the heart of Century City, “Century Park” needed to become a world-class destination to compete the project’s vision. The landscape and hardscape for the centerpiece has to seamlessly integrate and unity both 2000 Avenue of the Stars and Century Plaza Towers. Ron and his team were instrumental in developing pallets that addressed maintenance, glare and durability while still adding to the material quality of the two premier properties. They handle their product with workmanship and exacting precision. It’s that exceptional care that sets Shaw & Sons apart as true artisans”
– Gene Watanabe, Gensler

“DPR was privileged to work with Shaw & Sons to deliver the new FivePoint campus for Broadcom in Irvine. Shaw’s team was instrumental in delivering the 60 acres of landscape and hardscape scope that surround the four state-of-the-art buildings. The scope bridged the new Marine Way that bisected the project. Shaw & Sons portfolio of Craftsmen Specification products delivered a campus that Broadcom and other tenants are proud of. Working with Shaw & Sons and their products helped achieve an aggressive schedule without compromising on quality.”
-David Mayo, DPR
“The cubic glazed volume of the LA Federal Courthouse floats above the 1st Street slope between Hill Street and Broadway in downtown Los Angeles. The site design features a notable civic expression of processional stairs and ramps that require a high level of construction precision that Shaw & Sons are known for. The entry plaza allows both visual and physical connections to the broader context of the Civic Center. The ground plane materials utilized include Combined Granite on the plazas, Form Design Walls, Stair Form and Finish and Shotcrete Method on the site walls. All of this work is part of Shaw’s Craftsmen Specifications. We were pleased with the exceptional quality of work and close collaboration on achieving the paving and site wall colorations and textures that our design team envisioned for the project.”
-Steve Zimmerman, SOM
“SWA has been most fortunate to work with Shaw & Sons for over 20 years in Southern California. It has been a relationship that both SWA and our client value and support. I personally want to thank you for your relentless pursuit for excellence in your work and for your willingness to offer an inexhaustible breath of opportunity in design and implementation, often against all odds.”
– David Berkson, SWA Group
“I wish all my subcontractors were as professional as your team. The product your provide is always the highest quality and for every field condition that comes up, your team calmly works out a solution. Thank you for the exemplary work at our 1880 Century Park East Building."
– Joe Held, Held Properties